vista _volunteers in service to america_VISTA (Volunteers in service to America), see Organization, Miscellaneous
visually handicappedVisually handicapped, see Blind
vital statisticsVital statistics
Fetal death report filed with state registrar (remedial legislation)  - SB495
Health, occupational and environmental data: DHFS may charge fees for analysis and provision of [Sec. 3394]  - AB100
Health, occupational and environmental data: DHFS may charge fees for analysis and provision of [Sec. 3394]  - SB77
Name change of a minor: procedure revised -  AB167
Name change of a minor: procedure revised; nonmarital child provision -  SB284
Name changes by prisoners, probationers and parolees prohibited while under Corr.Dept supervision or custody  - AB2
SSN release by state or local registrar or DOT restricted [S.Sub.Amdt.2] -  SB494
Vital records: issuance of uncertified copies for events before October 1, 1907 [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, electronic format and penalty provisions] - AB709
Vital records: issuance of uncertified copies for events before October 1, 1907 -  SB393
Vital records: transfer of original copies to optical disc, electronic format or microfilm permitted [Sec. 2222]  - AB100
Vital records: transfer of original copies to optical disc, electronic format or microfilm permitted [Sec. 2222]  - SB77
voice mailVoice mail, see Telephone
volleyballVolleyball, see Recreation
volunteers in service to america _vista_Volunteers in service to America (VISTA), see Organization, Miscellaneous
Voting assistance at polling places: certification requirement deleted -  SB19
w - W -
Construction wage rates council eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 65k] -  AB100
Moneys derived from employment and deductions to labor organizations: political contribution or disbursement prohibitions created -  AB624
Rents, royalties and certain payments: reporting to DOR modified (remedial legislation) -  AB963
wage _ minimumWage — Minimum
Fair employment, vocational rehabilitation, WC, minimum wage and fair housing laws: obsolete terminology updated re handicapped; obsolete reference re equivalent bond eliminated (remedial legislation) -  SB447
Living-wage ordinance: county, city, village or town may enact under certain condition -  AB839
Opportunity wage: prohibitions on hiring re displacing a regular employe -  SB336
State minimum wage revised; provision re overtime pay for executive, administrative and professional employes; living wage considerations removed -  SB203
State minium wage: DILJD to calculate for certain employes using formula based on federal poverty line  - SB95
wage _ paymentWage — Payment, see also Garnishment
Commission salespersons coverage by wage payment law; sales representative agreement termination or alteration prohibited without good cause [original bill only]  - SB226
Commission salespersons covered by wage payment law; sales representative agreement termination or alteration prohibited without good cause -  AB438
Community service work under W-2: payment of wage or grant permitted [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 627b, 716t, v, 1751g, 1812f, 1815c, d, 1817b, c, 1837d, 1845b, 1857m, n, 2004m, 9426 (12w); A.Amdt.8: grant levels for community service jobs, 1801mm, mn, deletes 1837d; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: grant level change removed, deletes 1801mm, mn]  - AB100
Huber law prisoners: wage, salary or benefits disbursement priority revised -  AB468
Prevailing wage re highway contracts: enforcement transferred from DOT to DWD [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2638g, 2689t, 9149 (4m), 9426 (12m); deleted by A.Amdt.8]  - AB100
State minimum wage revised; provision re overtime pay for executive, administrative and professional employes; living wage considerations removed -  SB203
State wage payment and collection law modified [A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 354m, p, r, t, 9155 (1f), 9355 (1f)]  - AB768
wallace, rebeccaWallace, Rebecca
Life and public service - AR25
walworth countyWalworth county
Black Point estate: funding for debt service costs, adapting project for public use and grant to nonprofit conservation organization [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 378m, 685m, 735am, 767m; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: funding revision, 378no]  - AB100
Clean water fund hardship assistance for Pell lake and Lake Como sanitary districts in Walworth county [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (8c), 9437 (7f)]  - AB100
Nonpoint source project funding for Sugar-Honey creek priority watershed project [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9136 (2v)]  - AB768
Commodities in warehouse: sales tax exemption certificate not required [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 2392p, 9443 (19bn)] - AB100
Commodities in warehouse: use tax exemption certificate not required; sales tax provisions modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 313et, ev] -  AB768
Commodities in warehouse: use tax exemption certificate not required; sales tax provisions modified  - SB429
Foods inspection program funding increased; food program fees modified -  AB666
Tenant property: storage and disposition upon eviction; public warehouse keeper license provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2]  - AB872
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations -  AB502
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations -  SB275
warrantWarrant, see Subpoena
waste oilWaste oil, see Petroleum
wastepaper recyclingWastepaper recycling, see Recycling
Animal waste management grant revisions [Sec. 2491] -  AB100
Animal waste management grant revisions [Sec. 2491] -  SB77
Clean water fund: changes in biennial finance plan [Sec. 3548, 3550, 3555; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 3548b, e, deletes 3548] -  AB100
Clean water fund: changes in biennial finance plan [Sec. 3548, 3550, 3555] -  SB77
Clean water fund changes re notice of intent and applications for financial assistance [Sec. 297, 3510-3512, 3514, 3520; A.Sub.Amdt.1: priority to small sanitary districts and projects serving more than one community, limit on assistance to certain community, 3497e, 3509m, 3528m, 9137 (7x), deletes 3520] - AB100
Clean water fund changes re notice of intent and applications for financial assistance [Sec. 297, 3510-3512, 3514, 3520]  - SB77
Clean water fund hardship assistance application deadline [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (2hg)]  - AB100
Clean water fund hardship assistance: federal grants for rural communities [Sec. 31, 32, 60-63, 468-481]  - AB768
Clean water fund hardship assistance: federal grants for rural communities [Sec. 31, 32, 60-63, 468-481]  - SB436
Clean water fund hardship assistance for Pell lake and Lake Como sanitary districts in Walworth county [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (8c), 9437 (7f)]  - AB100
Clean water fund hardship assistance for the village of Wheeler in Dunn county [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (8m)] - AB100
Clean water fund interest rate changes [Sec. 3524-3527] -  AB100
Clean water fund interest rate changes [Sec. 3524-3527] -  SB77
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods [Sec. 3789; A.Sub.Amdt.1: LAB to monitor and report, 10r] - AB100
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods [Sec. 3789]  - SB77
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -  AB447
Floating trash and debris removal equipment made eligible for funding re recreational boating project [Sec. 1145]  - AB100
Floating trash and debris removal equipment made eligible for funding re recreational boating project [Sec. 1145]  - SB77
Groundwater and environmental repair accounts merged [Sec. 355, 356, 872-898, 2512, 2581, 2983, 3494, 3600, 3604, 3638, 3640, 3641, 3643-3645, 3650, 3685, 3686, 3717, 3719; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: deletes 884, 3640]  - AB100
Groundwater and environmental repair accounts merged [Sec. 355, 356, 872-898, 2512, 2581, 2983, 3494, 3600, 3604, 3638, 3640, 3641, 3643-3645, 3650, 3685, 3686, 3717, 3719]  - SB77
Groundwater standards for mining activities and mining waste facilities: exemption and separate provision eliminated  - AB123
Metallic mining permit issued on basis of and use of proven technology to prevent pollution [Sec. 3729, 3730; original bill only] -  AB100
Metallic mining permit issued on basis of and use of proven technology to prevent pollution - AB236
Metallic mining permit issued on basis of and use of proven technology to prevent pollution [Sec. 3729, 3730]  - SB77